Trailer Servicing

A brilliant course that was well ran and organised. The practical activities were very helpful in understanding the brakes operation and service techniques. A course suitable for all people, even if you're not a hands-on person!

Adam Thornborrow

Met Police London

Adam Thornborrow, Met Police London

Trailer Servicing


Trailer Test

"Like many others for several years I was unaware of the requirement or existence of the B+E trailer test. In fact I found out through my cousin who had also training with Towing Solutions. A phone call to Raessa at Towing Solutions provided me with all "

David Percy - Stockport

Towbar Technician

"I feel this course was very beneficial for me."

Tim Greenstreet

Caravan Towing

"Just like to record how much we enjoyed our training session last Saturday........"

David Lofthouse

Trailer Servicing

"I attended Towing solutions 2 day trailer servicing course and found it excellen"

Steven Thomson

Trailer Servicing

"I would recommend this course to anyone who is intending to service trailers. There were lots of useful things in the course which we learnt a lot from that will help us improve the service to our customers."

Karl Turner, H&T Services Ltd

Trailer Test

"I booked a one day course and test with Towing Solutions. My instructor Dave was an amazing guy."

Josh Clarke