Trailer Servicing

Having limited knowledge in trailers, I thought this course was very well put together. I liked the hands-on approach and working on various braking systems and the theory work was well laid out and presented. Nothing the course could improve on, all was covered.

Keith Pearce

Met Police London

Keith Pearce, Met Police London

Trailer Servicing


Trailer Servicing

"I thought the practical activities were very good. The training mock trailers were well thought of and at a good height to see and work with."

Ben Walton - A Plant

Caravan Towing

"After fifty odd years of driving I have been persuaded to buy a caravan, and never having towed anything before, decided to book a lesson in towing......."

Stuart Payne

Towbar Technician

"A course well worth doing..."

Alistair Martin - Martins Tow and Train

Trailer Test

"Paul was a great teacher and would recommend"

Dani Howard

Towbar Technician

"Well organised course, the theory work was easy to understand. "

Grant Nippers, Barnsley Towbar Centre

Trailer Servicing

"One of the best courses I have ever attended."

John J Byrne - Trailerstuff