Caravan Towing

After a Caravan Club course where I had to share the instructor with others, I felt I needed to have some towing experience on a one to one basis. Towing an outfit of around 12m, does need some practice if you are to stay safe.

I contacted Towing Solutions and they put together a morning for me. It was great; over 3 hours driving around Cheshire and Staffordshire!

All my questions were answered and it was a thoroughly enjoyable morning. I’ve since towed my caravan to Northumberland and back.

If you are anxious about towing, get in touch with Towing Solutions , they are friendly and professional. For me, it was money well spent.

Susan Dent Tasker

Caravan Towing


Caravan Towing

"Absolutely worth the money and effort. Paul, our trainer was excellent... "

Marie Gibb

Trailer Servicing

"Very well presented course."

Jim Snee - Heritage Lincolnshire

Caravan Towing

"After completing my towing course on Saturday 13th July, I would like to say a great big thank you to Richard."

Barbara Garwell

Towbar Technician

"A course well worth doing..."

Alistair Martin - Martins Tow and Train

Trailer Test

"Paul was a great teacher and would recommend"

Dani Howard

Caravan Towing

"Just like to record how much we enjoyed our training session last Saturday........"

David Lofthouse